东莞市逸音电子科技有限公司(ASKA ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD) 是一家专注于蓝牙周边产品开发,生产,销售的公司。 公司致力于提供时尚和科技结合的生活方式产品。 主要产品系列包括蓝牙头戴耳机,运动耳机,蓝牙音箱,穿戴设备等。 产品远销欧洲,北美,日本等发达市场。 我司同时也积极开拓国内业务,国内自有品牌ASKA 主要通过电商渠道在线分销,广受市场的认同。 公司核心优势在于自主研发及产品创新,配备一流的声学设备及开发仪器,结合行业顶尖的工程研发人员,使我们在产品开发和市场竞争力方面独树一帜。 公司努力创造良好的学习型组织,注重员工培训和发展。秉持开放,平等,创新的企业文化。
2014年公司生产和研发中心迁移至深圳接壤的东莞塘厦科苑城。 紧邻环境优美的观澜高尔夫球场,毗邻深圳市区仅20分钟车程。现因国际业务发展需要,需招聘优秀的外贸业务人才,公司提供全方位的外贸业务及产品知识培训及择优参加国际展会的机会。欢迎有志向从事国际贸易行业,勇于接受挑战的人才加入逸音电子。
ASKA Electronics Co.,Ltd is one of the leading Bluetooth products manufacturer which focusing on the the Bluetooth products R&D development,production and selling. We devoted to developing lifestyle products combined with technology and fashion. Company Products scope including Bluetooth headphones,sport ear buds, speakers and low energy devices etc. These products have been sold to worldwide market like European,North America and Japan etc . Meanwhile our domestic brand “ ASKA” mainly be distributed by on line E commerce channels. At the time being, Aska has got very positive reply and high reputation from market. The R&D and innovation team is our company core advantage, with the Preeminent engineers as well as the top acoustic and product development devices make us quite unique in product and market competitive. We put a lot of efforts to create a learning team and pay attention to employee training and improvement. Open,equitable, innovative is the mainly part of corporate culture.In the early 2014,we just moved our R&D and production center from Shenzhen to Tangxia city in Dongguan,which close to the exquisite Guanlan Golf Course. It only takes 20 minutes to arrive to Shenzhen downtown.
Aska Vision
Focus on lifestyle fashionable & High quality wireless acoustic products.
Deliver excellent sound to enrich human life.
广东东莞塘厦镇沙湖村大岭边路19栋三楼A 查看地图 关闭地图