助理体系工程师Assistant QA engineer 5-6.5K
东莞巴拉斯迪软管科技有限公司 品质部 广东东莞 2天前刷新
学历要求大专 工作经验3年 现居住地东莞


  • 求职中如遇招聘方扣押证件、要求提供担保或收取财物(如抵押金、培训费等)、强迫入股或集资、收取不正当利益或其他违法情形,请立即举报,并保留证据,维护自身合法权益。
  • 如遇职位要求赴海外工作,请提高警惕,谨防诈骗。


职责描述 Job Responsibilities:
1. 负责公司质量管理体系文件的管理工作;Be responsible for the management of the company's quality management system documents ;
2. 负责制订和组织实施公司关于文件、资料、记录管理工作的规章制度;
Be responsible for formulating and organizing the implementation of the company's rules and regulations on the management of documents, materials and records?
3. 负责做好文件的收发并记录,定期巡查现场文件是否受控,版本是否最新;
Be responsible for sending and receiving documents and recording them, regularly inspecting whether the on-site documents are controlled and the version is the latest
4. 负责严格执行保密制度,做好文件资料保密工作;Be responsible for strictly implementing the confidentiality system and keeping documents confidential;
5. 负责过期文件、资料的报废工作;
Be responsible for the scrapping of expired documents and materials;
6. 负责做好资料室的防火、防盗、防虫等工作,确保文件资料安全;Be responsible for fire prevention, theft prevention, insect prevention and other work in the reference room to ensure the safety of documents and materials;
7. 负责个人工作岗位和文件室的7S的维护;Be responsible for the maintenance of personal work post and document room 7S.
8. 负责品质部门人力资源考勤系统处理,及报表输入; Be responsible for quality assurance department human resources attendance system processing, and report input;
9. 完成上级领导安排的其它临时性工作 Complete other temporary work arranged by superiors.
岗位要求Job requirements :
1. 大专以上学历,专业不限 ,英文能读写。
College degree or above, major is not limited, can read and write English.
2. 工作经验3年以上相关经验,有ISO9001 或ISO13485内审员证书优先;
Work experience more than 3 years relevant experience, ISO9001 or ISO13485 internal auditor certification is preferred.
3. 了解体系相关业务的工作流程、要求,熟悉公司推行中的体系标准
Understand the workflow and requirements of related business of the QMS, and be familiar with the system standards implemented by the company
4. 具备一定的问题发现能力和敏锐度,能够在平常工作中发现可能存在体系和文控的问题,推动改善避免问题的发生;
Have a certain ability and acuity to find out possible problems of document control or implementation in daily work, promote improvement and avoid problems
5136 9568-|172 0021 3277 325. 具有良好的沟通协调组织能力和解决问题的能力,高度的质量意识和工作责任心,良好团队合作精神.Have good communication and coordination ability and problem-solving ability, high quality awareness and work responsibility, good team spirit.

广东东莞常平镇桥梓村95号 (环城路口)