Footwear Fitting Model 试鞋模特 7码 10-11K
创意鞋业设计(东莞)有限公司 产品部 广东东莞 2天前刷新
学历要求大专 工作经验3年 现居住地不限


  • 求职中如遇招聘方扣押证件、要求提供担保或收取财物(如抵押金、培训费等)、强迫入股或集资、收取不正当利益或其他违法情形,请立即举报,并保留证据,维护自身合法权益。
  • 如遇职位要求赴海外工作,请提高警惕,谨防诈骗。


Essential Duties and Responsibilities: 主要职责:
1) Collaborate with KEDS designers and product teams to try on and test new product samples, focusing on comfort, quality, and fit. Provide detailed feedback and opinions to serve as reference for adjustments and confirmations of the last, outsole, and upper panels.
2) Write personal shoe trial reports based on experiences and observations, objectively describing and evaluating aspects such as appearance, materials, and functionality of the shoes.
3) Collaborate with technicians to try on various prototype shoes during the shoe technology transfer phase, including initial trial shoes, fitting shoes, hand-cutting shoes, and last-cutting shoes. Provide detailed feedback and opinions to the technicians for important adjustments to the last, outsole, and upper panel data.
4) Assist the quality control department by sampling and trying on finished shoes during the production process, providing judgments for product inspection through trial wear. Complete data collection and analysis for product trials.
5)Possess a strong spirit of teamwork. They will work closely with our designers, production teams, and business teams to ensure that the quality and performance of the shoes meet market demands.
1) 配合KEDS设计师、产品团队对新品设计开发样进行试穿, 需要关注鞋子的舒适性、质量和适合度,提供详细的反馈和意见,供其对楦头、大底、面板的各项数据及结构进行调整与确认作参考。
2) 根据试穿所获得的感受和观察,编写个人试鞋报告,包括对鞋子的外观、材质、功能等方面进行客观的描述和评价
3) 配合技师在鞋品技转阶段的初版试做鞋、Fitting鞋、手剪鞋、斩刀鞋等试版鞋试穿。提供详细的反馈和意见给技术师对楦头、大底、面版的各项数据的调整提供重要依据。
4) 配合品管部需求,对量产过程的成品鞋进行抽样试穿,提供验货试穿的判定。
Preferred Qualifications:
-US Size 7,professional experience in shoe fitting area.
-Display a proactive and diligent work ethic, with excellent professional demeanor.
-Proficient in the use of office software
-Possesses strong communication skills
5985 4706-|172 0046 7392 87-具备较好的沟通能力
